I should add that in August of 1968, the tumult in the streets of Paris had largely died down. I mean, it was August, right, and every Frenchman goes on vacation in August, even rebelling students, striking workers, and unemployed terrorists.

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Thanks for the memories, Peter. I was in Paris (yeah, soixante-huit) that summer and the convention barely registered. There was no TV of course and even if there had been, there was not much coverage of the Chicago convention--the French had a few more important things to think about. In fact, it was a tumultuous year all across Europe but perhaps nowhere as consequential as in the US.

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I too watched some of the 1968 Dem Convention broadcast, mostly in horror. Nixon was nearly the same level of anathma to me as Trump today. And I knew that for peace in Vietnam Humphrey would be better. And I had been at a speech HHH gave to Young Citizens for Johnson group (I was a member) at the '64 Convention, and I knew him to be a solid liberal. But the real horror for me came after Humphrey (he was in a nearby hotel room) was nominated and the TV showed his wife Miriam inside the Hall. He leaped out his chair over to the TV and kissed Miriam's image on the TV. I couldn't imagine anyone I knew voting for Humphrey after that KISS!

Months later I drove 2 hours from law school home to Bucks County to vote for Humphrey even though I still was convinced he would lose. I made that trip because I knew I had to be able to say "Don't blame me."

I drove 4 hours to vote for HHH. I did my part to defeat Tricky Dickie.

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Humphrey was as good a man as Nixon was not. Almost anybody I know is a better human being than Donald Trump. Let’s hope our votes this election achieve a victory for good over evil.

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Peter Imber, You said it, Brother!

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